Groupe ADP gives 4.500 Coronavirus diagnosis tests to the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs' Crisis and Support Center, to help Lebanon. The Airport community and Groupe ADP corporate Foundation decided to support directly Caritas Lebanon association, with a 30.000€ contribution in favour of the association.
On August 10th, Groupe ADP provided the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs’ Crisis and Support Centre for Lebanon with 4.500 RT-PCR tests enabling quick diagnosis of cases of Coronavirus. 3.000 tests have been sent to Lebanon, in order to supply the country's hospitals and local medical centres with means to diagnose the virus.
Groupe ADP decided to support the medical sector, as the Coronavirus pandemics progression is accelerating worldwide. Following the United Nations evaluation after the blast, Lebanon needs are essential in healthcare and medical sectors, education as well as food supplies or urban renovations.
"Following this dreadful blast, Groupe ADP wanted to show its solidarity with Lebanon. Those 4.500 tests will be distributed to local medical structures which may need it, thanks to the efficient and transparent coordination of the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs’ Crisis and Support Centre", underlines Augustin de Romanet, CEO of Groupe ADP.
August 5th 2020, two aircrafts departed from Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport to Beirut. Onboard: 55 military professionals of the civil security, 15 tons of goods and emergency equipments as well as a advanced medical post and 5.5 tons of medicines.
The Airport community, through the endowment fund of the Paris Airport Community, and Groupe ADP corporate Foundation decided to support directly Caritas Lebanon association, thanks to a 30.000€ contribution in favour of the association.
In the aftermath of the crisis, the aim is to support the Lebanese population with essential needs for food and hygiene supplies.
The Chair of the Airport Community endowment fund is Sophie Pécriaux, CEO of City One, and the fund gathers: Atalian, HUB SAFE, City One, Mulliez-Flory, Groupe 3S, Mahola, Alyzia, ICTS, Ladybird Ground Services, Servair, Samsic, GFS, CAMAS, Groupe Europe Handling, Synergie, AFTRAL, Lagardère Travel Retail, Securitas, Leader, Epigo, Otessa, GTP Conseil, Groupe ADP.
Groupe ADP, its Foundation and the Airport community endowment fund join forces to support Lebanon

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