21/062023 Groupe ADP joins forces with leaders in carbon-free regional aviation to accelerate the sector's environmental... Sustainability
24/112022 TotalEnergies, Groupe ADP and the Fédération Française Aéronautique (FFA) commit to installing aircraft electric charging... Sustainability
25/112021 Ile-de-France Region, Choose Paris Region, Groupe ADP and RATP Group launch the first trials dedicated to new... Innovation
07/102021 Groupe ADP and Air France KLM Martinair Cargo experiment OROK's autonomous electric vehicles for freight transportation at... Innovation
03/052021 Signing of a partnership between the French Air and Space Forces, CNES and Groupe ADP... Innovation
18/012021 Choose Paris Region, Groupe ADP and RATP Group announce the winners of the worldwide call for... Innovation